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  • Order Summary

    Your Dog's Diet & Nutrition - The Ultimate Guide $37.00
    Home Made Dog Food Recipes $0.00
    Diet Needs For Your Dog's Breed Reference Guide $0.00
    Bonus Gift #1: How To Increase Your Dog's Lifespan By Changing Its Diet $0.00
    Bonus Gift #2: Healthy Diet for Bright & Shiny Skin & Coat $0.00
    Bonus Gift #3: How To Handle Overweight Dogs & Picky Eaters $0.00
    Bonus Gift #4: Advanced Best Dog Foods $0.00
    Bonus Gift #5: 30 minute Audio Interview on Dog Food Allergie $0.00
    Bonus Gift #6: 50 Minutes Audio Interview On Feeding Raw Food To Dogs $0.00
    Bonus Gift #7: Elite Dog Owner's Club - 30 Day Free Trial
    ($37 per month after the free trial is over; you can cancel at any time)
     Total  $37.00
  • Payment Method

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    Visa, Mastercard and Maestro


    The security code (three digits) is printed on the back of your card.

    You will see a charge from TrainPetDog.com 3104006364 on your card or bank statement.
    You will receive an email and text message confirming your order.

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    100% Risk-Free
    120 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Yes! Please give me access to the Your Dog's Diet & Nutrition - Advanced package ebook immediately. Please also send me the bonus ebooks and the bonus 30 day free trial of the Elite Dog Owner's Club. I understand that I will be charged $37 now for the Your Dog's Diet & Nutrition - Advanced package ebook. In addition, I understand that the Elite Dog Owner's Club costs $37 per month after the 30 day free trial, but that I can cancel my membership to the Elite Dog Owner's Club at any time and for any reason. Please process my order immediately!
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