Groom Your Dog At Home
Be A Proud Dog Parent

Don’t leave your dog’s health and happiness to strangers!

How To Give Your Dog
A Professional-Quality Groom
From The Privacy Of Your Home….

Reduce your stress
Ease your dog’s stress
Save time
Save money
Create the ultimate bond with your pet!

Finally, a skilled dog groomer reveals
the step-by-step techniques of
professional dog grooming….

You can now take pride that
YOU groomed your dog on your own!

If you’d love to say good-bye to the hassles of that monthly trip to the professional groomer...

this is the most important letter
you’ll ever read!

Because now, there finally is a way you can learn the secrets of

  • hassle-free brushing . . .

  • eliminating that “doggy smell” …

  • having no dog hair on the furniture . . .

  • keeping your dog’s breath fresh….

And more…

But more than that, what is contained in this letter will not only make you a proud dog parent, it will significantly improve your relationship with your dog.

Amy West With Mia

Few months back, we had conducted a Survey on Dog Grooming among our 2,31,457 subscribers.

People all across the globe came up with various problems and queries they face while it comes to grooming their dogs.

Based on these survey results, our own research findings, interviews with other dog groomers, I have finally compiled and collated all the information in one single e-book .

Written in layman's language, this e-book will serve as a comprehensive Dog Grooming guide for both first-time dog owner and veterans.

From the desk of Amy West
Dog Training Institute
Wednesday, 8.15 a.m

Sound impossible, fellow dog lover?

Well, it isn’t.

Just imagine how much more pleasant your life with your beloved dog would be if you didn’t need to wait once a month to get rid of that doggie breath . . . didn’t have to tolerate that shedding on your furniture . . didn’t need to make that expensive and time-consuming trip to the groomer every month!

Imagine if you had the knowledge to groom your dog yourself.

Just think how much money you could save (not only in groomer’s fees, but in gasoline for the car running him back and forth!) . . . how much less stressful your life would be . . . and how much less stress would be placed on your dog!

Not only that, just think how convenient it would be for you to choose the time your dog gets groomed – a time that fits your schedule!


You have been specially chosen to be a part of this fantastic Offer.

You have just won a FLAT 30% Discount. But since good things never last forever, this fabulous 30% discount offer will be valid till Midnight, Tonight, , 11:59:59 pm. So Hurry...

Keep reading to know more about this...



Create the Ultimate Bond with Your Dog!

Your dog will love the attention you lovingly lavish on him when you spend the quality time to groom him at home

If you’re like most of us die-hard dog lovers, you realize the importance of proper grooming. You know that grooming is more – much more – than just giving your precious friend a bath and putting a cute clip in her hair.

You’ve probably thought – like many other dog owners – that this is best left to the professionals. After all, at a minimum, proper grooming involves:

Nail Trimming
Cleaning his ears
Clipping his hairs
Complete Skin and Coat Care
Keeping your dog’s eyes clean
Brushing your pet’s teeth
Combating “doggy smell”


Don’t listen to those who say that the only method to getting a professional grooming for your beloved pet is to take him into a strange environment, with perfect strangers performing what should be the most loving.... of all activities on him.

In fact, now the ability to groom your own dog and to take control of the most important aspect of his life – his health – is only a mouse click away!

If you’ve always thought you could groom your dog yourself in the comfort, convenience and familiar environment of your own home, but just didn’t know where to start, then you must read this letter word for word.

It contains vital information that shows you that grooming your own dog yourself is much easier than you ever thought possible!

And the results . . . well, let’s just say you’ll be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

With Images & Details of 31 Different Grooming Tools,
This is an all-comprehensive Guide For
Grooming Your Dog At Home

A fully-illustrated, 117-Page Dog Grooming Guide
for Every Dog Breed - Unveil tips & advice from
experienced Dog Groomers within the next 5 minutes...

"Grooming Your Dog At Home - The Ultimate Guide" not only contains tips and secrets that will make the experience of grooming your dog pleasurable and hassle-free, it puts together a plethora of grooming information on different dog breeds.

With "Grooming Your Dog At Home" in your hands, you can become a pro yourself. No more trips to the expensive salons, spas or even contacting a professional groomer every month.

This handy E-Book package is a treasure-trove of valuable information for all dog owners who wants their dogs to stay healthy and feel healthy.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a “cumbersome” large breed like a St. Bernard or a Great Dane . . . or a tiny Chihuahua . . .

You can now learn the ultimate secrets of the professional dog groomers and provide your cherished family member with outstanding grooming – all on your own.

That’s right! Inside the Pages of “Grooming Your Dog At Home – The Ultimate Guide” are images of every single tool you need for grooming your pet at home

  • Brush
  • Comb
  • Scissors
  • Nail Clippers

….and more

I’ve taken all the guess work out of which tool does what job. Now you can confidently choose just the right grooming instrument to do the right job.

Not only that, but this book is so detailed . . . so exact . . . that it provides you with exactly the right tool for your specific breed of dog.

Don’t know which dog clippers are best for your pooch?

Don’t worry, “Grooming Your Dog at Home” tells you (Page 73)! You’ll have no fear of accidentally hurting your pet when you follow these incredibly detailed instructions step by step.

Worried about bathing your dog?

This one-of-a-kind E-Book gives you clear illustrations on how to bathe your dog securely and effectively. You’ll find this on Page 14 of "Grooming Your Dog at Home".


"Grooming Your Dog At Home":
Truly A No-Hassle, Straight-To-The-Point Book!

Amy, busy grooming Mia

My name is Amy West and I am the author of “Grooming Your Dog At Home – An Ultimate Guide”.

I wrote this book because I met so many dog lovers who felt that they just weren’t capable of performing this immensely satisfying and loving act themselves.

I have first-hand experience on regularly grooming dogs of various breeds, ages and personalities. I know what works and what does not and thus have penned down exactly that.

As a dog owner and lover in my own right, as well as a busy professional groomer, I realize that not everyone has the time to wade through a large, bulky E-Book filled with excessive words and phrases just to get the simple and easy steps involved in giving your dog a professional quality groom.

That’s why when I wrote this I consciously concentrated on getting straight to the point . . . giving you exactly the right amount of information you need . . . in clear, concise language . . . to groom your own pet from the convenience of your own home.

And it’s information you can trust! This book was literally months in the making, as I researched the most effective grooming procedures for all the different types of dogs. Not only that, but I pulled from my own professional resources and my years of professional grooming and training.

And I’m proud of the final product because it’s a book that every dog owner – whether you’ve just adopted your first pup or you’ve been a professional breeder for years – can easily read and understand.


From The Labrador To The Yorkie…
Learn About The Different Grooming Requirements
For Every Breed Of Dog

There’s no doubt about it! You can’t groom a Maltese the way you’d approach a Boxer! This book makes it easy for you to understand the grooming needs for your dog breed; in an easy-to-read-and-follow style. And you’ll have a highly fulfilling, “goof-proof” grooming session!


Learn The “Brushing Basics” For
Your Dog’s Specific Coat

Indeed, knowing the type of coat your dog has and grooming accordingly could spell the difference between an effective session and disaster.

Your professional groomer receives such good results because she knows how to groom for your dog’s coat. Revealed in the Pages of this 117-Page book are the coat types and how to brush them for full effectiveness!

Don’t have a purebred breed and not sure of your dog’s heritage?

No problem, I’ve outlined all the traits of coats so you can identify the type of coat your dog has, including the following variations:

Type of coat: Double coated or single coated (See Page 38)

Color: Easily identify your mixed breeds heritage by color (Go straight to Page 37)

Coat textures: and more importantly learn how to brush these.(The book details all of this starting on Page 34)

Length: Each length gets special treatment. By downloading and reading Grooming Your Dog At Home, you’ll learn the vital differences in approach. (Check out Page 35)

This e-Book includes chapters for special grooming needs based on your dog’s individual needs. Learn the professional secrets of grooming the . . .

Wrinkled-skinned dog (see Page 65)

Bald or hairless dog (find in Page 68)

Long-haired dog (look for in Page 70)

You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’re providing your dog with the best possible care and your dog will be healthier and happier for it.


Have you heard of …
“Grooming Your Dog From The Inside Out!”

Did you know that Diet plays a large role in determining the health of your dog’s fur? I’ve included vital tips to help you “groom your dog from the inside out!” I’ve even included some nutritional supplements that will give your dog’s coat the ultimate luster! Turn to Page 76 to discover these.


How To Get Your Dog’s Coat
Unbelievably Shiny and Soft!

Different breeds of dogs have different coats. They all require special care. If your dog is a mixed breed it might be difficult to tell what his coat is like.

This e-Book has a handy chart detailing the characteristics of the breeds. All you need to do is see where your mixed breed dog fits in and you’ll know how to groom him to keep him looking good – and to keep him healthy!

This essential chart provides you with the peace of mind that you’re grooming your faithful friend properly and appropriately!

And just to be sure, I’ve included lots of photographs of examples of dogs with the different coats. You can see at a glance which coat type your dog has! This helps you understand what kind of grooming your dog will need.

Grooming just doesn’t get any easier than this!

Get Workable, Practical Advice on
Dealing with Every Dog Owner’s Curse: Shedding

Armed with the information in this invaluable book, you’ll learn how to control it and minimize it. Check out this amazing advice starting on Page 80!

You will NOT find another book on the internet today that deals with the shedding problem in such detail. In this meticulously researched book, you’ll learn:

What shedding really is – and isn’t... Page 80

The difference between shedding and coat loss... Page 81

The single tool you’ll ever need to combat shedding... Page 83

Why dealing with shedding at the very first signs is essential... Page 85

When dogs begin the shedding process – forewarned is forearmed!... Page 80

How to brush your pet to minimize shedding.... Page 83

The vital differences in the lengths of coats in the shedding process.... Page 81

Six shedding survival tips that can greatly improve the relationship between you and your pet! ... Page 85

Myths about shedding ... Page 89

The essential difference between “normal” shedding and “excessive” shedding. Learning how to recognize excessive shedding is vital to your dog’s health and well being! ... Page 82

When you groom your dog yourself, you’re creating an unbreakable bond between you and your pet . . .

. . . and you’ll also be contributing to the happiness of your dog. When you take control of your dog’s health and well being and give your dog professional quality grooming, you’ll see a difference not only in his appearance but also in his happiness.

Why should you spend money for someone else to provide your cherished pet with one of his most essential keys to health, happiness and well-being? When you take control of the grooming process, you’ll create an unshakable, glorious bond with your dog whose benefits far outweigh any other considerations.

Easily Bathe Your Dog. . .
And Get Rid of that Doggy Smell Forever!!

This E-Book has all the “essentials” to successfully bathe your own pet, from how to secure your dog while bathing to what shampoo and conditioner is best for you breed of dog. I’ve even included photos of how to safely secure your dog during the bathing process... Page 14

With “Grooming Your Dog At Home”, you’ll have no fear of injuring your dog. I reveal all the professional “secrets” used by groomers all the time!

Imagine bathing your loving pet and knowing with confidence that you’re doing absolutely everything possible to provide him with the cleanest coat possible. You even know the following information that few dog owners fully understand, thanks to this E-Book, starting on Page 13:

The absolute best shampoo for your dog’s coat and skin type!

The different varieties of shampoos from which you can choose and which one is best for your particular pet!

The type of shampoo that is best to use on puppies!

Not only that, but you’ll also learn how the following “tricks of the trade” that few professional dog groomers reveal:

How to shampoo your dog without drying his coat out.... Page 21

How often to bathe him without running the risk of drying out his skin... Page 16

The proper method of drying your dog following the bath.... Page 15


Does your dog wiggle too much during grooming?

For the first time in this book, I’m revealing personal tips that I’ve collected throughout the years on the best ways to handle your dog during the grooming session. Starting on Page 98, you’ll receive the benefit of my expertise on:

The best way to keep your dog still and free from that squirming ... Page 100

Handling him in the method that “feels the best” for him.... Page 100

Transforming your pet from a dog who hates grooming to one that loves the entire process... Page 102

Secrets to calming a puppy during grooming... Page 115

The best way to handle an aggressive dog... Page 100

Muzzling or medicating – are these good alternatives?... Page 101

What to do when your dog resorts to biting while grooming... Page 104

Say good-bye to that lingering “doggy smell.” When you control the grooming process – and the timing – you’ll be able to bathe, brush and clean your dog the moment you notice his odor. And that will not only keep you and your family happy – it’ll keep your dog happy and healthy as well.

Rest assured, once you start grooming your dog at home, you’ll soon notice that he’s the best groomed – and certainly the most pampered – pet in your neighborhood. When you walk your dog, you’ll certainly get the attention of other dog owners! And that’s something you can take the ultimate pride in.

Confidently Trim Your Dog’s Nails!
Learn The Gentlest Way to Clean His Ears!
Discover Techniques To Keep His Face Clean and Gorgeous!

Yes! I realize how intimidating nail trimming can be. But there’s no reason for you to be intimidated by it! That’s why I’ve included a section in this E-Book that takes all the fear out of trimming and caring for your dog’s nails!

But that’s not all. I’ll show you – again step by step – how to tenderly and lovingly take care of every aspect of your dog from your home, including the often perplexing and trouble areas of the ears and face.

Here is just a small sampling of what you’ll learn once you buy this thoroughly researched book:

How often to trim your dog’s nails.... Page 31

How to take your dog’s fear out of the nail trimming process... Page 31

What to do if you accidentally trim too much and he begins to bleed... Page 32

An amazingly simple way to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy... Page 29

The easiest way to handle your dog during the teeth brushing process.... Page 30

Plucking your dog’s ears with a minimum of discomfort... Page 26

What technique to use if your dog is prone to ear infection... Page 27

Learn the three simple steps to easily cleaning your dog’s face... Page 29

Discover the most efficient “tool” you can use to clean your dog’s face. You probably already have it in your bathroom right now!... Page 29

What to use to remove tear stains from under your dog’s eyes... Page 27
When to use eye drops on your dog – and why!... Page 28
Learn why certain tools can damage your dog’s skin... Page 23

Discover what skin problems that may be aggravated during the grooming process – and how to ensure your dog stays clear of these!... Page 22

It’s all right here in “Grooming Your Dog At Home” and available to you through this amazing internet offer. Remember, you won’t find these secrets of professional groomers – all neatly and concisely outlined in one book – anywhere else.

Are you lost when it comes to dealing with your dog’s hair?

Get detailed instructions of how often you should clip your dog. Starting on Page 78, you’ll discover:

The tools essential to perform a professional quality clipping... Page 78
How short to keep your dog’s hair... Page 79
How often to clip ... Page 79


Help Your Dog Get Rid of
Constant Scratching and Skin Infections
And Be Worry-Free!!

Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of skin infections . . . how to treat them effectively . . . and to know the vital signs of when you need to take your beloved pet to a professional vet.

In this book I cover all the bases when it comes to skin care – from allergies to brush burn and clipper burn and everything in between.

Wonder what to do with “hot spots?” Turn to Page 23 and just read the section dedicated to this common problem

Find out how to determine if your dog is having a reaction to a specific product you’re using on him, as well as how to identify skin diseases and infection. Page 24 has this knowledge essential to your dog’s well being.

Not only that, this e-Book also deals with the age-old problem of every dog owner: dog dander! When you purchase and download “Grooming Your Dog At Home” you can turn immediately to Page 24 to learn this.

Special “Bonus” Chapter Especially
for the Grooming of Poodles

I fully understand the special grooming needs of the Poodle. And I understand exactly why you – as the owner of a Poodle – may be even more hesitant than any other dog owner to attempt grooming your own pet.

That’s why I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to this unique breed. You, too, can receive professional quality results simply by following the easy steps in this marvelously detailed chapter, starting from Page 62!


Just imagine the immense pleasure you’ll receive when you regularly begin to groom your own pet. With each and every grooming session, you’ll feel your dog is growing closer to you . . . you’ll feel that with each groom she’s becoming the family member that you wanted her to be all along! Not only that she’ll be easier to keep neat and clean on a consistent basis. And that will also make you feel like a good “parent” to her.

We have left simply no stone unturned. There's more...

Know the importance of having a Grooming First-Aid Kit... Page 90

Discover how to make a handy First-Aid Kit with simple household items and keep your dog safe in case of accidents... Page 91

The 5 reasons why you MUST have a First-Aid Kit that you simply cannot ignore... Page 90

When you purchase this book, you’re going to learn every aspect of grooming, from the quickest, safest and most effective method of eliminating even the toughest of flea problems, to untangled mats without hurting your pet! I’ll also tell you how to deal with the problem of fleas.

Within the Pages of this book, these are just a few of the points I cover:

Exactly what a matt, which dogs are more likely to develop them and why... Page 106

The most effective way to deal with mats and preserve the greatest amount of your dog’s hair at the same time (And no, it’s not just cutting the darn thing out!)... Page 106

Which tools you should use for removing mats... Page 107

Discover the differences among fleas, lice and ticks... Page 111
Learn where the fleas love to hide on your dog. Check these areas often to lessen the risk of flea infestation... Page 111

Found some fleas? Learn how to quickly handle the problem before it gets totally out of control... Page 112

Grooming your own dog actually much easier than you can ever imagine – that is if you know the techniques I’ve revealed in "Grooming Your Dog At Home"!

And think of the quality time these grooming sessions provide with your pet. When you perform these processes, you can do so with the love, tenderness and care that originally were meant to have associated with them. Whether you do it alone or with your children, grooming your dog yourself provides an invisible, near unbreakable bond between you and your pet.

You now can learn the ultimate secrets of the professional dog groomers and provide your cherished pet with outstanding grooming – all on your own.

Inside this book – created with the caring and loving dog owner in mind – I’ve been careful to include every possible aspect of dog grooming. Once you read this vital book, you’ll be able to groom your own pet. You’ll be able to do it! GUARANTEED!


"Grooming Your Dog At Home"
will surely make your neighbors envy you!


Knowing which dog breeds need high maintenance and which don’t... Page 93

Discovering importance of maintaining a grooming diary... Page 109

Learning the natural products which provide the best results for your pet... Page 95

Knowing how much time to schedule for your grooming session... Page 113

Having at your fingertips the exact amount of cost and investments that a good grooming will involve... Page 108

Learning the specific conditions you’ll need to take your dog to a pro... Page 110

Knowing – what to do to make your dog enjoy each grooming session with you... Page 115

And much, much more!

When you download and put into practice the instructions found in this extraordinary book, you’ll become the resident expert on the topic.

Your neighbors will be so impressed they’ll be coming to you asking you for advice. And what’s even better, you’ll feel absolutely qualified to give them the answers to their questions.


The little known secrets specially
for the “time-crunched” dog owner!

Who isn’t affected by the time issue these days? I know all too well that lack of time is a vital concern to many of you. Believe me, it’s up there on my list of concerns as well.

That’s why I’ve included a list of 10 convenient grooming tips especially tailored to the “time-crunched” dog owner like yourself! Use these short cuts – guilt free – when you just have to groom but don’t have the time!... Page 113

And that's not all that you get when you buy this book! For a limited time only, when you purchase this book, you will also get a free 30 day trial access to our premium Elite Dog Owner's Club.

As a member of this club, you will have access to:

  • Expert one-on-one answers to any questions that you have about your dog. If you are facing a specific problem with your dog or have any specific questions regarding how to train it, just send us your question and one of our in-house dog training experts will work with you to solve the problem and answer your questions. Only members of our Elite Dog Owner's Club have personal, one-on-one access to our in-house experts in this manner.

  • A monthly interactive video covering topics like obedience training, basic commands, controlling unruly behavior etc. that not only tells you how to train your dog and handle different behavioral issues, but also demonstrates in real time how those techniques are being applied on different dogs so that you can actually see those techniques in action.

  • A monthly 30-minute audio recording from a world-famous dog trainer who will talk about a specific aspect of training and handling your dog. This expert usually charges $250 per hour if you wanted to consult with him privately, but your membership to the Elite Dog Owner's Club lets you learn from him by paying nothing at all!

  • Free weekly consultations with a top veterinarian. If you have a question regarding your dog's health or any medical problems related to your dog, just send it to us and our veterinarian will personally answer your question every week.

  • A brand new article every week written by one of our in-house dog training experts covering topics like training, solving behavioral problems, grooming, diet and nutritional requirements, etc. that will give you practical tips, suggestions and advice that you can put to use immediately

  • A unique and powerful Doggie Alert software that automatically reminds you of your pet's birthday, scheduled medical appointments and vaccinations so that you won't miss any of them.

  • A members-only 8% discount coupon that you can use to purchase items such as dog food, dog toys, chews, treats, dog clothes, collars, harnesses, dog beds, etc. from our online store. While our other customers pay our regular retail prices to buy these items from our online store, as a Elite Dog Owner's Club member, you will always pay 8% less than retail for as long as you are a member!

  • Instant access to all previous videos, audio recordings and articles.

Membership to the Elite Dog Owner's Club usually costs $77 per month but it's yours absolutely free for the first 30 days when you purchase this book! And, after your 30 day free trial period, you will automatically keep getting all the benefits of membership to the Elite Dog Owner's Club for the customer-only discounted price of just $37 per month instead of the regular price of $77 per month (i.e. you save $40 - more than 50% - every month).

If you do not wish to remain a member of the Club beyond the 30 day free trial period, simply contact us and cancel your membership anytime within the 30 day free trial period, and you won't be billed.

There are no long-term commitments and lock-in periods either - so if you choose to remain a member initially and want to cancel sometime in the future, you can do so at any time and you won't be billed again.


A Sneak Preview of
"Grooming Your Dog At Home - The Ultimate Guide"

I have selected few excerpts from the book. The Table of Contents alone would give you an idea of the span and the depth of topics discussed in it!

View the Table of Contents from our Dog Grooming E-Book

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You've seen nothing yet.

This E-Book answers every single question that you may have in your mind. In this amazing E-Book I have answered the three most common questions asked by our subscribers in the Grooming Survey we had conducted through our Blog, letters and emails.

Check them out, picked straight from the E-Book - all dealing with the most commonly asked questions on dog grooming.

1. Do you know how to safely & properly bathe your dog, how often to bathe, know about the bath inventory, how to dry your dog?.

View excerpts from "Grooming Your Dog At Home" on Giving Your Dog a Proper Bath - Page 13 of the book

2. Do you know how to clean and care for your dog's eyes, ears and teeth in the best possible way? Know how to give your beloved pooch a perfect Manicure & Pedicure right from the comfort of your home instead of the expensive spas. Also know how to combat dog's odor.

View excerpts from "Grooming Your Dog Home" on General Dog Care - Page 26 of the book

3. Do you can to clear all your doubts regarding shedding & how to successfully control or reduce it? Also, find out more about the shedding season. Want to get a detailed chart on minimum, maximum & average shedders?

View excerpts from "Grooming Your Dog Home" Dog Shedding - Page 81 of the book

But that's only the tip of the iceberg!
This e-book is so tightly packed with information, it
just might burst!


These Grooming techniques really work...

A few weeks back we conducted an experiment as a "Test-Drive" for our E-Book. We selected 10 of our clients. Some were time-crunched owners, few had dogs that badly needed grooming, few were sick and tired with their wiggly or aggressive dogs who refused to be groomed and few couldn't afford a professional groomer.

All of our 10 clients read and re-read the wonder e-book. Here are Case examples of Cindy and Jacqueline:


Cindy, a time-crunched dog owner read "Groom Your Dog At Home" twice. She tried her hands at grooming for the first time. And, Voila! Her dog Meadow, looks totally changed, healthy and neat. See for yourself the before and after snapshots taken of Meadow. Cindy herself could not believe her eyes!!


Jacqueline always failed miserably whenever she tried to groom Lushy. She complained, Lushy was so wiggly and naughty that it was too much for her to keep Lushy calm and groom her, all at the same time. However, with the help of the Chapters 'Grooming Difficult, Uncooperative & Wiggly Dogs' and 'Training Your Pet For A Grooming Session' (Pages 100 and Page 102 respectively) of the e-book, she was successful in grooming Lushy for the first-time.

Jacqueline is proud of her handy work. See for yourself the before and after snaps of Lushy:

This Is, Without A Doubt
The Ultimate Dog Grooming Book!

You’ll be absolutely amazed at the comprehensiveness of this book. Jam packed in these 117 Pages is the most accurate, the most detailed blueprints ever laid out for grooming dogs.

But perhaps most importantly, it is knowing that your dog is receiving the best care possible – because it’s coming from your own loving touch. And you’ll have the satisfaction and pride in knowing that you did it all on your own.

Along with me, our entire team at the Dog Training Institute has left no stone unturned in carefully culling the really useful information to produce this exclusive, info-packed, high-quality Grooming manual that's authentic, convenient and easy-to-follow and is coming to you straight from the experts.

In fact, we have spent $1,485 on various books, consultation fees and articles. The entire process of collating and compiling all the detailed information, then editing and re-editing the E-Book took me more than 4 months.

If you were to spend the same amount of time, money and energy in gathering this knowledge you will still be experimenting with all the different views, leave aside the easily available "FREE" trivia found in the name of authentic dog grooming information.

How much would you expect to pay for all of this vital information?

$175 . . . $100 . . . $85 ?

Firstly, let us ask you something:

If you wanted to hire a professional groomer to groom your Dog , what would it cost you?

Well,it will cost you nothing less than a few hundred dollars...

Plus, professional groomers will only groom your Dog - they will not tell YOU any of their professional secrets. Again, what about the day to day regular grooming sessions that are simply a MUST for your dog? You simply cannot fix an appointment with your dog's professional groomer for every brushing session or bathing session. And what if your dog simply refuses to co-operate during a grooming session?

Your only option would be to call the groomer yet again and pay him/her even more money...

But, with my e-book, you will NOT need to call a Pro - our guide book will teach YOU the techniques and secrets (everything) that a Pro knows!

Also, nothing can match the thrill of personally Grooming your Dog...

Now, given that the best professional Groomer will charge you nothing less than $1200 to groom your Dog, given how much frustration and stress our e-book is going to save you from, given how much peace of mind this wonder e-book is going to provide you, and given how much time and money my e-book is going to save you, we could have easily charged you at least $85 . Right?

Wrong! My goal is to get this book into the hands of as many people as possible. So I’m making this book as inexpensive as I possibly can.

What dog owners actually need is proper advice and step-by-step guidance (that my "Grooming Your Dog At Home" will provide). And if I really have to help as many dog owners, I simply cannot charge $85 .

So, I decided to slash down the price by more than 50% and peg the Regular Price at $39.95 ...But since this is an e-book and there is no printing cost involved I decided to pass on the benefit to you and the price of the package was fixed to $29.95 . (Although my accountant was not too happy, but I have to think of my fellow Dog owners as well :-)

$29.95 ? , is it?


We are going to charge even LESS!

You Are The Lucky One...

This fabulous 30% discount is being offered to a chosen few....And you are one of them.

Whereas everyone else is ordering at $29.95 , you will get it at $19.95 . But, you will have to act real fast as this offer will be on till Midnight, Tonight, , 11:59:59 pm. So Hurry...

If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, join the rush now. Remember, there will never be another chance quite like this again!

$39.95   $29.95      $19.95
(Save $20 NOW)

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Because the ebook will be presented to you as online content, we will not have to incur any printing and fulfillment costs. And we want to pass on those benefits to you.

We absolutely adore our Dogs and we want as many Dog owners as possible to benefit from the secrets I have shared here on Grooming ...they will provide you with real insight.

Thus after a lot of pondering I have decided to give away thiis awesome package at a minimal price of $19.95 .

I was in a dilemma and I gave it a serious thought. And I finally decided to offer my package at the discounted price of $19.95, but only if you order anytime by midnight, tonight , 11:59:59 pm.

This is an once-in-a-lifetime offer, mind you. Because the moment the timer shows 12:00 Midnight I will change the price.

Only for ONE DAY this E-Book will be sold for the low price of $19.95– only the fraction of the cost of one grooming session!

That way I’m confident that those people who truly want this book . . . who truly need this book . . . will be able to buy this "Grooming Your Dog At Home" without breaking the bank.

Inside this one-of-a-kind Dog Grooming manual, you'll also learn many of those tips that professional Dog Groomers use at their expensive Dog Salons & Spas.

And they are all yours for the low, low price of $19.95 !

Do bargains come any better?

But do understand I can't go on giving it at this throwaway price. I simply can't continue with this discounted price forever. So, this offer will be valid for only 24 hours, i.e. only TODAY.

You have till Midnight, Tonight, to own this magnificent package at $19.95 , meaning only 24 hours to grab this sensational offer.

Hope you will understand that I am offering this discount only because I really want dog owners, like you to gain from my grooming e-book.

Believe me, it's a steal. You will definitely agree with me once you go through the e-book.

But hurry. Time is fast running out! Grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity NOW!

$39.95   $29.95      $19.95
(Save $20 NOW)

Get Grooming Guide

Only if you order anytime by midnight, tonight , 11:59:59 pm

And there's more to come!

This would be an unbelievable low price for just the e-book alone. But just for my own peace of mind . . . so that I know that when you approach your first session of grooming you’re armed with every essential piece of information possible, I’m also including two bonus books – ABSOLUTELY FREE!

That’s right! And I guarantee you are NOT going to find these two books anywhere else on the web. But more importantly, you’ll discover that they, too, are indispensable guides to providing your dog with quality grooming at home.


To Make Dog Grooming
Even More Simple And Effective,
Here's Something Extra For All Who Buy!


"The Ultimate Grooming Tools: What You Need to Keep Your Dog Looking His Best"
(Worth $9.95 , But For You, It is Absolutely Free!)

The first is "The Ultimate Grooming Tools: What You Need to Keep Your Dog Looking His Best". This book is yours free when you download "Grooming Your Dog At Home."

Inside this bonus book is information about every tool you’ll ever need to perform top-notch, quality grooming for your dog.

Also find fully-illustrated grooming tools for your dog along with support system that are vital.

This no-nonsense approach to grooming details what tools you’ll need for dogs with

Smooth coats... Page 4

Curly coats... Page 5

Wire coats... Page 6

Medium-length coats... Page 6

Long hair... Page 7

Double coated... Page 8

Take the guesswork out of going to the pet supply store.

The pictorial glossary of grooming tools covers:

Images and Correct Usages of 21 Grooming Tools including 6 types of Brushes, 3 types of Scissors, De-Matting Combs etc.

Descriptions of 11 Support Tools needed for Grooming along with their images

12 handy tips to Increase Safety and Minimize Mess while grooming

Now you’ll know for sure what tool you’re looking for because you have a photo of it! From brushes to shears to clippers, it’s all in this essential grooming book! If you were to buy this book you’d pay $9.95 . And it’s yours absolutely free, just for downloading "Grooming Your Dog at Home".




"Care of White & Light-Coated Dogs"
(Worth $9.95 , But For You, It is Absolutely Free!)

When you purchase "Grooming Your Dog At Home", you’ll receive a second, equally vital book. And this book too is free!

Inside the Pages of this second bonus book, "Care of White and Light-Coated Dogs", you’ll learn the proper ways to deal with the common problems of dogs who have white or light-colored coats.

Discover the good health practices that are essential to keeping these dogs’ coats shiny and healthy . . . including a healthy diet.

Bonus Book #2, which is absolutely free when you purchase "Grooming Your Dog at Home", provides with such essential tips as how to:

Clean your dog’s ears... Page 6
Clean his eyes... Page 5
Help your dog avoid allergens... Page 6
Deal with tear stains on your dog’s face... Page 8

Removing matted fur from under your dog’s eyes... Page 9

Clean “rusty” fur? ... Page 9

Treat your dog’s sunburn! ... Page 9

Stop your light-colored dog from excessive licking?... Page 10

What to do if your dog’s coat has a brown, grey or beige cast to it! ... Page 12

Interesting!! Isn't it? I am sure all dog owners with light or white coated dogs will realize how essential these handy tips are.

Can you imagine, how helpful these Bonus e-books are?


Imagine: All Three Invaluable Books for ONLY $19.95

You certainly won’t find a better deal anywhere else. "Grooming Your Dog At Home - The Ultimate Guide"and two essential companion books: "The Ultimate Grooming Tools" & "Care of White and Light-Colored Dog Coats".

The trio ensures that your first attempt at grooming – and every session thereafter – will go smoothly and safely.

Finally, the resources you need to save money ... to ease the frustration ... to save time on grooming your dog ... are now within your reach.

Now you can give your dog the professional quality grooming that he truly deserves in the convenience of your own home. And you can save time, money and stress at the same time. It sounds like a win-win situation to me!

But more than that, you’ll be the proud owner of a healthy, happy canine. You’ll also experience that wonderful, glorious bonding with your beloved family member in the process. What more could you possibly ask for?

Frankly, that's like getting an entire fortune for peanuts!

Order Now to Get These Two Exciting E-Books, Absolutely Free!


Here Is A Small Brain-Stormer On
Grooming Dogs

See if you can answer the following questions on Grooming Dogs...

? Frequent bathing is bad for a dog's skin and/or fur Yes No
? Longhaired dogs shed more than shorthaired dogs Yes No
? Dogs don't have sensitive skin Yes No
? Dogs don't need to get their nails trimmed often Yes No

These are only a few of the questions that almost all Dog owners face on a daily basis - and it is extremely important for you to know the right answers to these basic questions. A wrong step in any of the above situations may simply risk your dog's well-being!!



Still undecided? Just to help you decide, remember that "Grooming Your Dog At Home - The Ultimate Guide" is backed by a...

Risk-Free, No-Nonsense, Iron-Clad, 120 Day Money Back Guarantee

As further proof that we are absolutely confident of the high quality of the Package, we are offering you the Training Institute's risk-free, no-questions-asked, no pressure, no whining, 120 day money back guarantee.

Keep the Package for 120 days and if you're not 100% satisfied at having received a power-packed package full of vital information, simply ask for a Prompt Full Refund!

If you are not happy with the Package for any reason whatsoever and if it does not meet your highest expectations, we don't want you to pay a single, red cent for it. Simply write to us asking for a refund and we will refund the entire payment of $19.95 to you.

This is more than just a guarantee - this is our personal promise to you.

Why are we practically telling you to ask for your money back? Why are we giving you a 120 day guarantee whereas most web sites on the Internet give you only a 60 day guarantee (and many don't give any guarantees at all)?

Because we know our products! In fact, we are supremely confident that not only will it deliver on its promises, but also over-deliver! And that is what gives us the confidence of offering a 120 day money-back guarantee.

Amy West,
The Dog Training Institute

Also note that your order will be processed by or PayPal- our credit card processor. Your order will be processed through a 100% secure web site. This means that your credit card details are completely safe and can never be stolen. There is absolutely NO possibility that anyone will get unauthorized access to your credit card information.

" Order Grooming Your Dog At Home NOW!"


Fire Your Professional Groomer Tomorrow Morning!

Why not order your copy of "Grooming Your Dog At Home" right now, while it’s still fresh in your mind. The sooner you download and read this exciting book, the sooner you and your dog will be on the path to a new and exciting chapter in your loving relationship.

Here’s wishing you and your dog a long, loving and healthy relationship,

P.S. I am giving you this "Grooming Your Dog At Home - The Ultimate Guide" at the special price of $19.95 , only if you order anytime by midnight, tonight , 11:59:59 pm

" Avail this Once-in-a-Lifetime Offer Now & Save $20!"

If you’re growing increasingly frustrated with the process of dropping your dog off at the groomers, finding some way to “kill the time” while he’s getting his session, and then having to pick him up again, then you owe it to yourself to download "Grooming Your Dog at Home"! For only $19.95 , much less than the cost of a single grooming session you can start learning TODAY the secrets of the professional groomers!

P.P.S. And don’t forget, when you download Grooming Your Dog at Home, you’ll also receive two vital companion books, The Ultimate Grooming Tools & Care of White and Light-Colored Coats ABSOLUTELY FREE!

P.P.P.S. Click below for your very own copy of "Grooming Your Dog At Home". Begin today to strengthen the most remarkable bond of all: that glorious friendship between your dog and yourself!

Buy The Grooming Your Dog at Home Guide Now!
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Los Angeles CA 90069-4507 USA

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